Stopover in Sozopol

Positive Masculinity


True muse of NERO MEN

Come aboard NERO for a stopover in Sozopol, one of the most pleasant and picturesque towns on the western shore of the Black Sea.

Trendy, authentic and cultural at the same time, it won the third place of the best world destinations in 2015. A city of art, a city of inspiration, a resort city, it has now become mythical.

Sozopol was a natural muse for NERO Skincare, inspiring and reinforcing the brand’s DNA and values: a brand that is committed to positive masculinity.

Moreover, in front of this jewel, some will think that this stopover was an obvious one, because even the name that the city bore at its foundation by the Greeks in 2600 BC was a wink to the vocation of NERO: Apollonia (dedicated to Apollo). Apollo, God of male beauty, eternal symbol of the man of yesterday, today and tomorrow, combining seduction, virility, youth and well-being. 

Because – it was obvious
Because – it is a tribute to Nature and its benefits
NERO Skincare is today a brand of skincare for men, for all men. Inspired by the beauty and treasures of the Black Sea, NERO is committed every day to sustainable, effective and innovative beauty.

The Nero manifest

Everyone is urging you to become a “real man”. You don’t have to! What really matters is to be a “real person”, just being you. Just being a good person.

A man who can be counted on and who counts on himself first. A man who charts his own course and serves as a guide to those who need it. A man with certainties and who is not afraid of doubt. A man who has a group of friends and who knows how to make his own decisions.

This man – there, likes to take care of himself. It is a mark of respect for others but above all for himself. He does it to look good, but above all to feel good. The opinion of others does not matter to him. Demanding with himself, he makes every effort to never have regrets. Magnanimous, he accepts the weaknesses of others and gives them his help without counting the cost.

Do you recognize yourself in this man or do you aspire to become one?
Then you are ready to live the NERO adventure
Just the man you already are!

This is the story of a man …

« A man who previously lived in a traditional patriarchal society. He had been assigned a role.
He was a male, he had to be manly.
His masculinity would therefore be synonymous with strength, power, domination and power.

Insensitive? Perhaps not.
But he had to conceal a certain emotionality in the face of societal image pressure « A boy doesn’t cry! » 

If man has long conformed to a society of image, appearance, pure and hard hygiene, it seems that today it moves, the codes are transgressed.
What really counts is to be well in one’s head, well in one’s body, well in one’s skin. Good hygiene is no longer enough, men are concerned about their appearance, but also about the impact it has on their health and the environment. They now have access to beauty (until now reserved for women) while preserving their virility.

Thus was born positive masculinity. 

In all humility, NERO Skincare sublimates the often unknown riches of the Black Sea & the Balkans through eco-responsible products.

Male beauty embodied by NERO
The NERO Skincare routine embodies the essence of Clean Beauty.

A simple & minimalist routine:

  • Like Clean Beauty, the NERO MEN routine is minimalist. Its beauty routine and the actions of its care products revolve around two simple and essential axes: face and hair cleansing (Cleansing Gel – Shampoo) and moisturizing (Anti-Aging Cream – After Shave Balm). There are only 4 references in the range, but each one meets a very specific need. At NERO, Marie Kondo’s famous « Less is more » principle takes on its full meaning.

An authentic, committed routine, far from greenwashing:

  • NERO Skincare makes the most of green chemistry with its transparent formulas and its natural eco-sourced ingredients, such as its two flagship active ingredients: black seaweed and caviar from
    the Black Sea, with multiple scientifically proven properties. Our products come from a reasoned and reasonable agriculture.
  • Our care products are 100% yuka-compatible, a strong indicator of an approach that is contrary to any greenwashing.
  • Our packaging is eco-friendly, eco-designed, recycled and recyclable. The shampoo bottle is eco HDPE 100% made from cane sugar. The 3 other airless packs allow a better preservation of the active ingredients without using preservatives.
  • In a concern of always more virtuous process our distribution is as much as possible direct and in short circuit to limit the carbon impact.

Whether dandy, adventurer, bad boy, the modern man wishes to appear handsome, young,
attractive. He talks about beauty and care as he talks about his car or his sporting or professional activities.
Modern man has managed to conquer the freedom to be himself.
Wanna be that guy?
Nero will naturally allow you to achieve this…

Caviar treatments with hair-raising effects

The Clean beauty and its advantages

Our philosophy

Nero Skincare is the result of an encounter between a man, a country and a know-how

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